2024 - Present | Advana ML Operations | Built scanning and deployment CI/CD pipelines for DoD's Advanced Enterprise Analytics platform | YAMLTektonDockerFigma | GitLabAWSKubernetesHelmNGINX | Booz Allen |
2024 - Present | Advana Data & AI Services | Led documentation modernization for DoD's Advanced Enterprise Analytics platform | ReactTypeScriptDocusaurusMDXViteMUILottieSCSSFigma | GitLabAWSTektonDockerKubernetesHelmNGINX | Booz Allen |
2024 | 'mmish.dev | Fantasy football league-specific blog and stats | SvelteKitTypeScriptVercelTailwindCSSViteSkeletonUIPostCSSSCSSMDsveXIconifyPythonFastAPIPostgreSQLConda | VercelContentfulSupabaseGitHub Actions | Personal |
2024 | Booz Allen Solutions Kiosk | Visual portfolio of BAH solutions used for booth demos at industry conferences and events | ReactTypeScriptViteMUILottieSCSS | Local filesystemSharepoint | Booz Allen |
2024 | Generative AI 101 | Interactive article that visually explains the basics of generative AI | ReactTypeScriptViteMUILottieSCSS | Sharepoint | Booz Allen |
2023 - Present | TuckerGordon.dev | My personal website and blog | SvelteKitTypeScriptTailwindCSSViteSkeletonUIPostCSSSCSSMDsveXIconify | VercelGitHub Actions | Personal |
2023 | Booz Allen Earth MRI | Interactive white paper that details an ML approach to predicting concentrations of critical minerals | ReactTypeScriptViteMUILeafletPlotlyVitestSCSS | Sharepoint | Booz Allen |
2023 | MRADS | Forward-deployed application for remotely controlling and communicating with devices spread across a mesh network | SvelteKitTypeScriptViteMongoDBCondaSMUILeafletD3SCSSMakexbeepnpmAdobe Xd | Local filesystemDocker | Booz Allen |
2023 | USASpending.gov Data Sources | Explainer for how USAspending data is collected and processed | ReactTypeScriptViteMUILottie | Docker | Booz Allen |
2023 | Fantasy Football Draft Lottery | A simple web app for running our 2023 fantasy football draft lottery | SvelteKitTypeScriptVite | VercelGitHub Actions | Personal |
2022 | Every Single Street PWM | An interactive map for my friend Danny to use to track his progress running every street in Portland, ME | SvelteKitTypeScriptLeafletSMUI | FirebaseGitHub Actions | Personal |
2021 - Present | StoryKit | A React component and template library for quickly building 'scrollytelling' sites. Built as a monorepo and deployed as an internal npm | ReactTypeScriptViteNextJSMUID3LeafletScrollamaLottieStorybookVitestSCSSpnpm | npmVerdaccioGitHub ActionsGitLab | Booz Allen |
2021 | Haunted Harvest | A Halloween party invite | SvelteTypeScriptViteSCSS | GitHub PagesGitHub Actions | Personal |
2020 | Booz Allen Precog | Low-code interface that compiles reusable data pipelines into graphics processing unit (GPU)-enabled software | SvelteTypeScriptViteFastAPIPythonCondaSMUISCSSMakeAdobe Xd | Docker | Booz Allen |
2020 | Survyber | A COVID-era website for tracking the results of an online Survivor game played by friends | AngularTypeScriptMaterialD3SCSSRXJSAdobe Xd | GitHub PagesGitHub Actions | Personal |
2020 | Iceland: Golden Days in November | A visual/interactive travel journal of a family trip to Iceland | AngularTypeScriptMaterialSCSS | GitHub PagesGitHub Actions | Personal |
2019 - Present | Vulcan Scheduling Optimization | Booz Allen algorithm and user interface for optimization complex client schedules | AngularTypeScriptMaterialPythonFastAPIMongoDBD3RXJSSCSSMakeAdobe Xd | AWSDockerGitHub Actions | Booz Allen |
2019 | Interactives for US Gov Client | Interactive web articles for the design branch of a US Gov organization | AngularTypeScriptMaterialD3LeafletLottieRXJSSCSSAdobe Illustrator | | Booz Allen |
2019 | Dispatch | Feedback collection and analysis tool for articles published by client organization | AngularTypeScriptMaterialD3RXJSJavaPostgreSQLSCSSAdobe Illustrator | | Booz Allen |
2018 | Makeover Monday Week 48 | Winning submission to Makeover Monday data viz contest | JavaScriptD3 | GitHub Pages | Personal |
2018 | Malware Detection | ML tool and interface for detecting malware in network traffic | AngularTypeScriptHighchartsD3PythonFastAPI | | Booz Allen |
2017 | NLP Maintenance Reports | Used Natural Language Processing to tag and identify patterns in hand-written maintenance reports | PythonPandassci-kit learnNLTKSpacy | | Booz Allen |
2017 | "The power of context in networks" | Won 'Best Paper Award' at the International Conference of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) | CMatlab | | Bowdoin College |